Thursday, September 25, 2008

Module 1

For my visual rhetoric project I will be creating a 6-slide PowerPoint that argues for immigration. I want to advocate for the will of living the "America Dream". I am not justifying the idea of entering another country illegally by any means instead i want to advocate for their desire to live a dream, to better their lives for themselves and their families. I want to clarify to most who may not understand immigration that it isn't about doing something wrong its about reaching for better opportuinities.
I hope to include in my slides statistics of number of immigrats entering this country, perhaps if possible to find quotes from immigrants themselves explaining their reasoning. As well as giving insite to the extremes that people go through to come for the dream we promote. These people leave behind everything for a chance to give their families a better life. They are willing to work for pretty much nothing becuase to them thats a fortune compared to what they had in their countries. I pretty much want to get into the reasoning for them to come here or at least my understanding of it. To move away from the stereotypes of immigrants being harmful and taking jobs from citizens and so forth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like this idea. It's something that affects us all, and you have a personal spin on it.